Contact Details & About Me

Please feel free to contact me.

Email: Poulton Puppets

(Winter Season) Phone: 01803 529737

(Summer Season) - Mobile Phone: 07974 732352

(Please use the mobile phone number mid May - mid September)


About Me

Mark Poulton is a full-time puppeteer and puppet maker who specialises in Punch & Judy.

‘Poulton’s Puppets’ was formed in May 1989,

In 1988 (aged 16) he won the  ‘Most Promising Young Professor’ award and later that year was invited (by the CODMAN family) to perform for the season on their historic Llandudno seafront pitch.

Since then shows have been given on many beaches including Newquay, Broadstairs, Weston-Super-Mare, Blackpool Sands, Dawlish, Teignmouth, Torquay, Paignton, Goodrington (10 summer seasons) and is now the current showman on the famous sands of Weymouth where Punch & Judy dates back to the 1880’s.

Weymouth is where Mark was first inspired as a child to take up the art of Punch & Judy.

It is thought that Prof Poulton is the last full-time performer to still work a full season (May – September) on the beach, making a living entirely by the donations of the audience.

Mark’s performances are constantly changing and evolving. There is topical comedy, slapstick comedy and plain nonsense included. The puppets are all made by the ‘Professor’ and are expertly manipulated inside the traditional theatre. Shows are tailored to the individual audience in front of him, from the pre-school ‘Punch’s Pantomime’ to the show presented at adult residential homes. The traditional instrument to produce Mr Punch’s unique squeaky voice is used and can be clearly understood.

In 2009, Weymouth & Portland Borough Council presented Professor Poulton (with Mr Punch) to Her Majesty The Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. Shows were performed on that special occasion in Marks unique replica ‘Victorian’ booth complete with traditionally built wooden wheels.

Other events/venues where Mark has presented the show include – The Millennium Dome, The Globe Theatre, The Brit awards, Covent Garden, Woodlands Leisure Park, Dartington Cider Press Centre, The Riviera Centre, Beautiful Days Festival and at a great many birthday parties.

Television appearances include – Country File, The ONE show, The Great British Summertime, BBC News 24, Children in need as well as on local news programs.

Mark has also been featured in local and national newspapers, magazines and books and on the radio.

The ‘Prof’ designs and makes the puppets, props and puppet theatres himself. This includes woodcarving, sign writing and sewing (the curtains and costumes).

Mark is a proud member of the ‘PUNCH & JUDY COLLEGE OF PROFESSORS’ and Equity

For more information about booking his Punch & Judy show, for private and public events, promotions, schools, birthday parties, film work or commissioning a hand crafted puppet, please contact Mark direct.


Website built & maintained by ‘Prof’ Mark Poulton on my trusty Apple Mac’s using iWeb.

More About Me

I first saw Punch And Judy on the beach at Weston-Super-Mare in the early 1970s, the performer was 'Prof'  Reuben Staddon, who's family were said to have performing the show since 1796 ! It must have been a good performance I witnessed as when we went to Weymouth the following year, I immediately looked for a Punch show. I was not disappointed as I discovered 'Prof Guy Higgins 'famous' Punch & Judy. I must have watched every performance for that week, excited by every show, the noise and voice of Mr Punch appealed to me. At the end of that holiday I stated that, "When I grow-up I'm going to be a Punch & Judy man".

Back at home I destroyed my teddies (to make the puppets) and a wall papering table (as booth) to put a show on in the back garden. I carried on performing the show during my school days and in 1987, I was invited to do some shows with Bill Dane at his Aberystwyth sea front pitch. The following year (When I was 16) I won 'The Most Promising Young Prof' award and was asked by Mrs Anne Codman if I could do the 1988 summer season at Llandudno. This was an honor for me and although a long season thoroughly enjoyed it.

1989 was a special year since I passed my driving test, left school, and moved to Torquay. This was the start of my professional career. Goodrington Sands, Paignton was privately owned then, it was immaculate, no litter, the beach was cleaned every day and there was a good atmosphere. Sadly, after that season the company went into receivership and the beach was taken over by the Torbay Council. As no contract was guaranteed for the following year. I looked elsewhere and after talking to colleague (and friend) Rod Burnett, I was asked if would be interested in taking over from him for 1 year at Weston-Super-Mare. The season ran from Easter until the end of September, with shows on the hour, every hour. Weston was a good pitch but as the contract was for 1 year I started looking around again and went to 'Lusty Glaze' beach in Cornwall. 1991 was a wet season and I found that working just one beach in Cornwall didn't really work so I began asking around regarding resorts that would be interested in having a Punch & Judy show.

At the time, Martin Bridle had stopped working the beach at Broadstairs in Kent, so I got in touch and decided to go for it. Martin officially handed his old pitch over to me at the 1992 Covent Garden May Fayre. I stayed there the following year (1993). This was also the year I bought my humble VW Camper van, which I lived in during the summer seasons until 1998. I resigned from the Broadstairs due to the local authority charging me rent and paying another performer to perform on the promenade. I made enquires as to the possibility of returning to my old pitch on Goodrington. A deal was negotiated and contracts signed.

I returned there in 1994 and performed the show during the summer months until 2003.

2004 I mainly accepted paid bookings but did a few days on the main beach at Paignton.

In 2005 I took over the running of the beach show at Weymouth.

More about this on the ‘Weymouth Punch’ website.